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Opal Award for Winter Forest

Award winning event at Broadgate Shopping Centre in London

Our Winter Forest Event at the Broadgate Shopping Centre in London Christmas 2017 won a REVO Opal and Aurora award. The judges said about our event:

“An Impressive decision to rethink the space. Very creative and Innovative” 

“It has Jots of originality with a number of elements that make this a fantastic event It’s certainly one I would have liked to attend myself”

“Powerful execution of the creative brief providing a multifaceted opportunity.”

“Strong quantitative, commercial and social/marketing results. The Income exceeded expectations and the results are directly attributable to the objectives and targets”

Award Winner Brochure

About the Winter Forest Event

This magical event was based upon an Alpine Apres Ski resort. It had snow-covered Christmas trees and warmly decorated Tippees where guests could enjoy a hot or cold drink and a meal from one of our many food options. 

The event proved to be very popular with local commuters and tourists alike. It was mentioned in various press as one of the top Christmas events to visit including, The Telegraph, Timeout, Hello and the Evening Standard. 

If your town, shopping centre or shopping village is interested in a similarly themed event, please feel free to get in touch for an initial chat to see how we can help any event be a success and bring in more visitors. Call us on 0789 9797073. 

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